все будет
I know it's wrong take people bad if they did nothing bad to you. If there's nothing about you. Schoolmates, Internet friends. They even don;t know me but they tell me I'm a fool. 'Prove it. Why?' - they never tell me why, never explain me what's wrong about me and why they think so. So why? Why can't I be with man I don't love? Everyone can but me.

I can't understand people around me. I can't have a good time with them. There's nothing interesting. I was trying. And they could be my friends. God, why did you create me such a fool! Such a strange fool?!

Why are they laughing at my emotions?

I remember I was a 12-year girl. I liked a boy in my class. He wasn't perfect but I liked him. So when he knew about my simpathy he was laughing. He was joking and smiling and laughing. He said then: 'Don't try to be beautiful - you won't'. So he was mistaken. He watches me getting bustop often. And he always looks at me strange sight. It expresses nothing, may be I don;t know what exactly it can express. So I became beautiful. Without any cosmetics or make up. Just by myself. But I remember his words. He was laughing. I cried a lot after.

And there was just three happy years in my life, just three! No more! But I was beloved I wasn't alone, I was the best I was someone! Now I'm noone, I'm nothing. Loser?

29.06.2006 в 20:43

Как я могу сказать, что я думаю, если я размышляю о том, что говорю?
Даааа, я совершенно забыла английский....
29.06.2006 в 20:48

все будет
Chubi, не модешь перевести? А мне так легче мысли выражать!
29.06.2006 в 20:54

Как я могу сказать, что я думаю, если я размышляю о том, что говорю?
я хорошо понимаю немецкий, а вот с английским уже проблема, хотя 7 лет в школе учила...
29.06.2006 в 21:41

хочешь научу мечтать и летать, как батерфляй? :)
ни :shuffle2: фига не поняла...точнее поняла, но поверхностно...стыдно мне)))
29.06.2006 в 22:27

Я вот такая и никакая другая!!!
He was a fool. He knew nothing about beautiful, and your beautiful is perfect.

And I ' m sure that you know your own worth!
30.06.2006 в 07:32

все будет
coffee_cream but I liked him much!

СердцЭэдка :), надо было со словарем! :)

Chubi, что ж ты так! ))
30.06.2006 в 15:13

хочешь научу мечтать и летать, как батерфляй? :)
Cola, надо в переводчик закинуть)))))))
30.06.2006 в 17:37

все будет
СердцЭэдка :), наверное, у меня ошибок очень много...